Monday 18 August 2008

Just Breath, Just Believe

There was a song out about 5 years ago, I was going through a really difficult time and I listened to it incessantly. When I hear that song still, the emotions, the smells, the tastes the feelings from 5 years ago flood over me. Similarly when I encounter difficulties or situations of the same caliber, the words to the song ring through my head and become like a mantra to soothe my tension. This time, however in contrast to the others, I have someone to lean on. CB is amazing at the best of times, but now I know he's incredible at the worst. I suppose it is true that you only know someones strength when it's tested. This week is a mad scramble to get things done at work and at home before I leave for Indonesia this weekend for 2.5 weeks. Couple that with aforementioned situation and that's me done for a bit.

So I am signing off for awhile. I may blog during my travels in Indonesia, but I'm so looking forward to shutting off and spending quality time with my friend, that I can't promise anything. I hope to be back in the blogging world by October. Until then, Just Breath. Just Believe. Just Breath. Another Day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
