Sunday 30 March 2008

I left my heart in NY

Amazing birthday? Check
Brilliant time seeing old mates? Check
Falling deeper into "like" with CB? Double check
Being ready to come home when the time came? Negative
I had no choice but to come back on Thursday as my movers were coming Friday to take me from Ghetto Fabulous W6 to Fabulous. NW8. Never the less my heart remained in NY with my friends and the boy and bagels that you can't get anywhere else. Going back to the US is always bittersweet. It reminds me of what I miss while the reasons I left stare me down with persistence. If I could have it my way, I would import the things I long for(whilst remaining firmly planted in LondonTown):A few key friends, Mexican food, stores that have everything negating the need to go to Tesco+Hardware store+post office +Boots, good cocktails and Happy Hour. That said, I did have a bit of culture shock (which quickly gave way to pleasantly surprised) at how friendly people are. I know the commonly held belief is that New Yorkers are rude, erm, whoever said that should come to London. I think it was even more evident to me being in NY with a Brit. For the first few hours we would just look at each other in amazement everytime a shopkeep, deli person or taxi driver would thank us and smile. Most impressive was the doorman at our hotel who genuinly seemed to remember and care that we had a nice day. No joke. At one point CB looked at me, smiled and said, "Your people seem to genuinly wonder how one is and that one has a nice day!" I quickly put his mind to rest by explaining that as a culture Americans tend to be enthusiastic about everything they say. I mean, I can't have him thinking that America is the land of milk and honey. I already had to convince him he couldn't work there after a fun night of the Knicks and Time Square had him querying whether we might be able to live there sometime for a few years. Apparently he and I are a WE now and without even living together are contemplating moving country? Sorry, No. Ixnay on the Moveay to Americanay any time Soonay. End of story.

1 comment:

ReckenRoll said...

But did you tip the doorman? :)