Friday, 23 May 2008

99 in the Shade

It's like 2 degrees in London right now. It's cloudy and overcast and dismal. Ok, maybe it's not 2 degrees, but it's not warm. Monday I leave for what I am calling "GirlFriday does the Middle East" On the itinerary, Dubai, Doha and Abu Dhabi. All business of course. So I checked the weather today. It's meant to be 41 in Dubai next week. For you Fahrenheit folks, that's about 103 degrees. From what I understand Irish people cease to function at about 30 but can usually be cajoled to at least sit by the sea if there are drinks involved. Sure they whinge about the heat whilst getting plastered and sun burnt, but it's a raging good time. There will be no beach, no drink and no fun for me. I'm not Irish, but I am pretty sure I am going to have to cajole myself to function, I just don't know how yet. Any suggestions?

1 comment:

Pretty Unfamous said...

Wear lots of white! And sunscreen! And hats! Good luck in all that heat.