Thursday 3 January 2008

back to life, back to reality

As much as I hate to see it end, my 2 weeks of food, wine, friends and family has slowly come to an end. Back in the oh so familiar BA Lounge (honestly, it's the one place that is ignorant to country, culture or time) I look out and watch the last lovely Western sunset of my trip. As evidenced by my last post, this has been a trip of self discovery. Cathartic in ways, challenging many things I held as truths when I left London, this holiday escape from real life has served as a reminder of who I am and what I hold dear. But alas playtime must end and I must slip seamlessly back into the hustle and bustle on life in London. Still I can continue to daydream Californication style.

1 comment:

Loaf said...

Well we're glad to have you back :)

Here's to an awesome 2008!