In business, I am a big proponent of dressing for where you want to be, not where you are. I realise I am little more uptight about this then others, but hey, to each their own. My office is very corporate. Big multinational corporation type attire. Suits make up a large part of my wardrobe and my boss quite literally even wears a suit on Friday. I am less formal then that and tend to wear a dress with flats or something else that would likely be typed as "smart casual." And for the record I hate that term. I mean, do people expect that others will show up stupid casual if they don't preface it with smart? Anyway, as usual, I digress. Many of the people who work in my office seem to view Friday as an opportunity to infuse their personality or interests outside work into their wardrobe choice for the day. Some might take a fancy to clubbing judging by their outfit choice, while others
seize the moment on Friday to not bother with clothing at all. These are the people who show up in their pajamas. The most entertaining however, are those who seem to really have special interests. Some women seem to be hookers after hours and another who clearly loves her Harley. There's one bloke who wears a
turban during the rest of the week and on Friday mixes it up with different scarves and wraps from prominent companies. I am guessing he finds these for free at trade shows or something. I'm not quite sure.
In general, I run across at least 3-5 people a week, regardless of what continent I am on, or what country I am in who amaze me with their choice of garments. Now please understand that I am not claiming to be some
fashionista who never gets it wrong, god no. I get it wrong. A lot. If I was famous I am pretty sure I would end up in Hello or OK! on at least a monthly basis with one of those red circles and a wardrobe malfunction. There are some things though, that should kind of be intuitive right? Like how come everyone that gets done for child porn or neglect of their 12 children by 11 baby
daddies looks like someone who you wouldn't let near a dog, much less a child?!
Jiminy, one of my new favourite
bloggers, has a pretty good photo on his blog today that illustrates my point. His picture is way better then mine and more current. However, 1983 is making a come back, I can feel it!
In conclusion, I would like to say that I don't think I really have a point. But be kind and consider the people around you when making clothing choices. It's not as personal as you might think.
I've always suspected my red pvc catsuit was giving out the wrong signals when I wore it on a Friday :(
Great post. I guess I am relieved(?) that Americans aren't the only ones who might wear pajamas to work.
But I guess I am surprised to hear that about London. I don't ever recall seeing someone dressed inappropriately for work. Bad fashion choices, yes, but not inappropriately.
And I agree: "smart casual" is one of the most hideous phrases ever created.
FD: That's you!
CR: Well, do remember my office is in the burbs now, not in London proper. I often point out at work that I live in London so as not to be confused with the non-London pajama wearing people.
haha so true. People don't seem to get it: you're still at work, jeans is the most casual you can get. People in my office tend to turn up in extremes- the girls who wear plain pants and shirts all week with flats are done up spectacularly on Friday. And all the guys sport 'wealthy hobo' attire.
...although there is one girl at work who seems to get away with wearing jeans and ugg boots every day...
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