Friday, 18 April 2008

Rantings of the semi sane

I am not sure where the last week has gone nor why I've not posted anything in 7 days! Some of the possible reasons might be:
  • The fluctuation between sleet, snow and scorching sun this week has messed with my Chi*

  • Despite fighting against it my whole life, I became very aware this week that I am "that girl" or rather NicB and I are "those people" You know, the duo you see on the tube who make you want to hurl? They are so besotted with one another they don't notice the dead guy on the floor who was just knifed by the granny who fled to the next carriage? Yeah, that's us. I am making myself want to wretch on a daily basis

  • The no drinking thing is going really well, but I must admit, I feel like an absolute tool ordering my 4th cranberry juice on nights out. I did this in the US when I was training for a marathon and it wasn't as big of a deal there. Here in London, I actually have bartenders trying to talk me into a drink, "com'on luv, one n'er urt ya."

  • My new neighbourhood is so posh that the rubbish collectors tip their hat with a cheery "good morning" when I leave for work. Not quite used to it, it's only today that I smiled back rather then reaching for my mace

  • I worked from home yesterday so that I could register with my surgery which of course only registers new patients from 2-3:50 on every 5th Thursday of months that end in Z.** Along with alcohol I have also given up sugar and processed food for the month of April. Like I said before, this wasn't a huge change in habits, but after my "experience" at the local surgery, I decided I needed a hot cocoa (soya of course) to smooth my ruffled feathers. There in front of Starbucks in my terribly posh neighbourhood was a disheveled tramp sitting at a sidewalk table. Her home was taking up 3 seats and she had one of those portable cassette players on the table broadcasting some bizarre self help tape. This scene in almost any other London borough would not seem odd, in NW8 it's a spectacle. The most entertaining bit was the way all the nannies pulled their charges to the other side of road in order to avoid crazy (who also by the way was in a bikini top rubbing Vaseline on her neck in the freezing cold)

  • I have to go back to Istanbul on Monday. Nuf said. I think I feel a bout of meningitis coming on
  • I am a human thesaurus these days. Because I work with agencies in so many countries, I spend a very good portion of my day thinking of synonyms for words that the people I work with don't understand. I say "publish" for instance and there is silence on the other end of the phone. Issue? Release? people.everywhere.can.see.the.words? I actually got to the point yesterday where I stopped and said,"I'm sorry, I am plum out of words. I have no more words to describe what I am trying to say." It's not their fault, but it's exhausting

This was a lame excuse for a post, I realise that. But it's the best I've got. If anyone can either arrange to have my trip to Turkey cancelled, or for the sun to come out for a whole day, my creativity might return.

*If I was my Chi, I would hide too. Especially given that this is the first time ever that I have even acknowledged Chi in my life. Chi must feel very neglected

**This was SUCH an ordeal that it deserves its own post. I am however still too bitter to be balanced in my analysis and criticism of the NHS. Watch this space


The [Cherry] Ride said...

I loved this post. Any snippets into your awesome London life (jealous) are good for me!

Anonymous said...

No matter how posh or unposh your neighbourhood is, a trip to the local NHS office will ALWAYS be traumatic. (The doctors themselves are faultless, it's just the customer service/lack thereof and risk of catching something deadly that really stings.) I once had to go to an NHS doc in Knightsbridge and it was just as horrific an experience as it was the time I went in Tooting (technically I lived in Balham but it was Tooting catchment area). Nuff said. Use one of those Harley St mobile doctors instead.

ReckenRoll said...

Oh, I miss seeing the nanny patrol!