Thursday, 3 July 2008

Da bof us-Cos e'ry fool needs some Jive in da day

Do not read this post if you are easily offended or culturally sensitive or have no sense of humour

Now that's out of the way. I will explain how this came about another time, but for now, just know that Jive is cool.

The Holiday

My mans an' I had uh lovely holiday dat wuz full o' chickn n` corn bread, wine, sun an' relaxation. The Italians iz uh fun bunch an' while we's had ta gesticulate mo' then normal ta be understood wiff most peeps, we's got what we's needed in da end. Da bof us didn't meet one other person who spoke English on da entire trip, it wuz great. Given dat we's had only one another ta speak wiff fo' 8 days, I wuz amazed ta find dat we's liked each other even mo' when we's came back. I would highly recommend da region an' I th'o't we's will definitely be returning.


For da first year since I gots lived in da UK I will be celebrating da 4th o' July. I th'o't dis here may be da first year since I gots lived here dat I gots actually been in da UK fo' da holiday. Last year wuz Spain, I th'o't I wuz in da Middle East da year 'bfoe dat, Amsterdam in 2006, Barcelona in 2005. Am going ta da Rib Shack where we's will celebrate havin' uh bettah life here in da country which da US iz celebrating independence from. Then we all gots some tea. I'll definitely be havin' uh Budweiser though.


The ticket guy at da train station taday said he liked muh ma fuckin accent. Normally I would th'o't he wuz taking da piss, but in muh ma fuckin recent glass half full phase, I smiled an' said thanks. Accent might be code fo' boobs as I be wearing uh fine ass low cut dress taday. Next Holiday One o' muh ma fuckin pimp-tight mates from da US an' I iz headed ta Bali end o' August, beginning o' Sept. 2.5 weeks. I can't wait. We booked our flights ages ago, but iz just now starting ta book accommodations. I th'o't brothas needs 2 pimp-tight holidays uh year. One fo' relaxing an' recharging an' one fo' adventure. My mans keeps teasing muh ma fuckin dat I be naughty ta jet him fo' so long, but honestly I hope I can take solo or mate holidays now an' again- forever, even if I git tied down at some point. Slap mah fro!

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